
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Blogs to Check Out: Author and "Readologist" Esme Raji Codell

      If you are unfamiliar with Esme Raji Codell, she is an author of books about reading for teachers, parents, and children. She is a self-proclaimed "readologist," which sounds just like a term I would playfully create to describe myself. :) Her children's titles are good chapter book reads for fourth and fifth graders, and include titles such as Vive La Paris, Sing a Song of Tuna Fish, and Diary of a Fairy Godmother. Esme's newest book, Fairly Fairy Tales, is slated to come out in January 2011.

      I have a copy of this book, How to Get Your Child to Love Reading. Although the title suggests it audience is for parents, it's absolutely a great source for teachers who are looking for some fresh inspiration for tying in literature to mini-lessons and other instructional reasons. You can come borrow it anytime! :)

      Esme keeps several blogs and posts on them all often.  Her blogs clearly represent her passion for children's books, as well as her lifelong goal to share the best literature and experiences with authors to children.

      Here is her main website:

      Planet Esme is a blog where Esme reviews new books that come out in children's literature.

     The Planet Esme Bookroom blog tells about events and shows photos from her amazing, cozy reading room in Chicago.  She shares her personal collection of over 10,000 books at the book room with families and host numerous special author and holiday events. Esme uses royalties from her writing and speaking engagements to run it. She is passionate about sharing the lifestyle of being a reader with families. (I HAVE to go there one day! :)

     Esme is also well known for her nonfiction account of her early years of teaching, and how she became passionate about children's literature. This blog is titled "Hit the Ground Running: The Educating Esme Blog for New Teachers." Her goal here is to keep up the encouragement and spirit of beginning teachers in particular.

     As an interesting footnote, Esme wrote the forward to the second edition of The Joy of Children's Literature. This college textbook is the work of my former children's literature professor, Dr. Denise Johnson, who teaches at The College of William and Mary. Congratulations Dr. Johnson for your success and upcoming new edition! I can't wait to see it and share it with the teachers at our school!

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